Result of LIBBL Season 18

  Team trophy    Winner Race
& coach
  Montauk Cup Champion   Astor Court Mechanical Animals  Dwarf Team
  Montauk Cup Runnerup   Fire Island Blood Beasts  Chaos Chosen Team

  Player prize    Winner Type
& team
  JWare Award (MVP)     Prejudice Bounty (80000 gp) Beastman Runner Lineman
Fire Island Blood Beasts

The Astor Court Mechanical Animals take advantage of some stumbling Fire Island Fire Beasts in the clash between the two previous champions to win the Montauk Cup 1-0. Standout season also from the Bethpage Burning Blades who stood tall over the other 3 Black Orc teams.

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Some names and images are ® reg. trademarks of Games Workshop    |    code based on Aros Blood Bowl League