Matches played by The Dark Anvil of Babylon
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Opponent |
TD score |
cas score (kills) |
gate |
Baldwin Bash 7 round 2 |
Daredelfvils |
0 - 3 |
1 - 1 (0-0) |
4 000 |
Baldwin Bash 7 round 1 |
Staying Alive |
0 - 3 |
0 - 1 (0-1) |
6 000 |
LIBBL 24 Brugnone Ballbuster Bowl |
Hau-Ppauge Ho-Teppers |
0 - 0 |
0 - 4 (0-0) |
9 000 |
- - Overall Statistics - - (3 games) |
TD score |
cas score |
gate |
0 - 6 0.0 - 2.0 |
1 - 6 (0-1) 0.3 - 2.0 (0.0 - 0.3) |
6 000 |
Latest matches:
Baldwin Bash 7, round 2 |
3 |
Daredelfvils |
0 |
Dark Anvil of Bab... |
Baldwin Bash 7, round 2 |
2 |
Corona Banana Boyz |
0 |
High School Miners |
Baldwin Bash 7, round 2 |
2 |
Sunnydale Scoobies |
2 |
Memes of Legend |
Baldwin Bash 7, round 2 |
0 |
Heralds of Hashut |
3 |
Staying Alive |
Baldwin Bash 7, round 1 |
0 |
Sunnydale Scoobies |
1 |
Corona Banana Boyz |
Baldwin Bash 7, round 1 |
0 |
Dark Anvil of Bab... |
3 |
Staying Alive |
Baldwin Bash 7, round 1 |
0 |
Daredelfvils |
2 |
Heralds of Hashut |
Baldwin Bash 7, round 1 |
1 |
Memes of Legend |
1 |
High School Miners |
LIBBL 24, Brugnone Ballbuster Bowl |
1 |
Legion of Boom |
1 |
History of Violence |
LIBBL 24, Montauk Cup F |
2 |
Rats! |
1 |
The Fellowship |